Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Something that gets on my nerves is when some people automatically judge Twitter (the website, They think it's stupid that all you do is write what they are doing every second of the day. For some people, that is true, but what a lot of people don't know is that Twitter is an extremely useful tool for communication and connections for all kinds of things. Companies use this website to inform the world about things that are going on or new offers and such. TV shows post things about their new episodes. Other websites post updates and links and updates as well. It's more than just annoying people with updates (or, Tweets, as it's said) with what you're doing. It's a tool. I personally use Twitter and I follow vloggers (video bloggers) from Youtube, and other major people from the site. It's useful to know when their new videos or up. I guess I just wish some people would give Twitter a chance to see how useful it can really be.

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