Monday, September 28, 2009


I started a new art project today. It's a pretty large piece so far... The portraits are going okay, but I'm having trouble with one of them. It's at a weird angle. I'm gridding it, so the proportions are pretty much correct, but there's no life in the faces yet. I'm hoping when I start coloring them that that life will be there. Now it's just lines coming together to make a face. I haven't done anything traditional in so long. This will be good practice. Usually when I work on something traditional, I do a little and go back to it later. When I look over it later on I can see everything that looks incorrect and I go back and fix it. I really want to do a good job on this. This piece means a lot.

I visited my old art teacher today and told her I'm starting a project on my own. She said I could go back any time if I needed any help. I might, I'm not sure yet.

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