Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Today it has been decided, by me, that I am going to be more productive. So far it's working. I've been studying and doing homework since around 11:30, and it's still going strong. I really hate idling time away. Wasted time is so useless. What can you gain from it? I feel a lot better about myself when I am productive. Aside from studying a lot, I am going to start a new art project, for personal reasons. That way, when I am finished studying, I can work on that if I want, making it fill a gap of where I could be wasting time. But I won't be, because I will be working on the project. I guess this being productive plan is also helping a lot with my procrastination. And, boy, do I have a problem with that one. I have my mind so made up when I think to myself, "Oh, I'll do it later. I will." Yeah, and I never end up doing it until the last minute. Wasting time, procrastination, and idleness will be resolved.

"Procrastinators Unite! ...Tomorrow." -Anonymous

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