Thursday, September 17, 2009

Nothing to Something

I don't know what to write about today. So I suppose I am just going to take up space and ramble about how I don't know what to talk about. What is there to talk about anyway? I don't know. Really, I don't. Perhaps this talking about not knowing what to talk about will get me an idea to write about something, not nothing. Not nothing. Is that a double negative? Wait.. I don't know. Is it? I don't know. My friend is sitting next to me backing up her english papers on a flash drive due to the fear of her computer possibly crashing. She's laughing at me now as I write this pointless entry. Or, perhaps it's not pointless, since I am still technically writing, right? And that's the goal of this blog; to just get us writing on a daily basis. It's not bad, I guess. Well, hey, would you look at that. Me talking about nothing turned into something. Oh, and back to talking about the grammar thing... I am very concerned with grammar on the Internet and everywhere. Honestly, does it look like you are educated when you write like this?

"hey guys how r u all this blog is so cool."

No, it doesn't. Try it like this:

"Hey, guys. How are you all? This blog is so cool."

See? Way better.

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