Monday, September 14, 2009

Fast Information

It sure is crazy how fast information can travel these days. I noticed it last night when I was on facebook and all of the sudden a few of my friends had the same basic status's discussing something that happened on the MTV Music awards that were going on at that time. It was almost instant. What had happened on the MTV Music awards was something ridiculous, and leave it to Kanye West to be the cause of it. Taylor Swift had won an award, and as she was on stage accepting it and saying her speech, she was rudely interrupted by Kanye West. He took the mic from her (she was in mid-sentence, too) and very briefly congratulated Taylor, but then went on to exclaim that Beyonce had the best video and basically says she should have won. By this time, Taylor is speechless, standing there not know what to do. I felt so bad for her. And for Beyonce, she sat there in shock, not knowing what to say, either. Kanye West has to be one of the most inconsiderate and conceded people I have ever seen in the music industry. Honestly, who does that? Poor Taylor was so grateful for her award, and Kanye had to come and ruin it. Does that make him feel cool? Does he think Beyonce will back him up? Yeah, right. Bad move, Kanye (though I'm sure it's not the first time). Anyway, back to what I was saying -- within minutes of this happening, facebook was filled with status's of my friends speaking out about their strong dislike of Kanye, as well as on Twitter. Even a Youtube video had been posted of the event, a mere few minutes after. Technology is so beneficial in this aspect. This is so useful in terms of news for around the world as well. Last night's events was just an example.

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