Tuesday, October 20, 2009


My laptop is really warm in my lap. It's okay, though, no worries. Mac builds their fans under the keyboard so there's little chance it will overheat because I am not blocking the fans or anything as I would if they were in the bottom of the comp. In fact, I have a cover for the bottom of my laptop. It keeps it clean. I am very paranoid about getting it dirty and stuff. My friend said last night, "That thing is your life." No, it's not. I just try really hard to take care of it. For something so expensive, you SHOULD take good care of it. It's only fair, in my opinion.

Not sure why I'm talking about this. I guess it was because I was noticing it getting a bit warm. Which is okay, it should get warm, it's a powerful machine. I love it.

Well, this was short. Busy day tomorrow. Oh, boy.

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