Friday, October 2, 2009

New Music

Thought I'd try something a little different with the text. Cool.

So I just got a mix cd from a friend with all kinds of things like PlayRadioPlay!, Muse, and some other bands. I love getting new music. It introduces me to new bands, and I love listening to new bands, too. Sometimes all the same music over and over can get irritating in my iTunes and iPod. I need more, though. My iTunes only has about 2 GB's worth of music. My iPod has more, though. It has about 2 GB left out of 8. I am glad I went with the 8 Gb because I almost got the 4 GB, and I would have quickly ran out of room. Music is such a large part of my life. I always have music playing (unless I just really really need silence). I love all kinds of genres. Pretty much the only thing I can not stand is Screamo. Everything else is great. One of the most bizarre genres I've ever had is Psychedelic Trance. That stuff is really cool, but if you're not in the mood for it, it just sounds like a bunch of noise. Infected Mushroom is a good Psychedelic Trance group from Israel. But, I like everything down to country and rap. The works. Techno is also one of my personal favorites, next to Alternative Rock and Electronica. But, on a really relaxing day, I will more than welcome classical music. Sometimes there's nothing better than a little Mozart or Vivaldi.

"Music is what feelings sound like." -Anonymous

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