Monday, October 19, 2009

Almost Over

Well, I can't believe it's already almost the end of October. I have to say, this college schedule makes the days fly by extremely quickly. I mean, once October is over, November will go quick, too, because we get out for Thanksgiving holiday, then we only have two weeks in December. That sounds really good to me. This is wild, at this rate I will be done at CCCCD completely. That is, if I pass my classes. Which I will, though. I am working very hard in all of my classes. I studied for 3 hours on Friday and 4 hours on Sunday. I want to do well. At this point, the only thing holding me back is how my printer decided to break on me. It's irritating, but I have other ways to print, so that's good. But, it is still nice to have a working printer in the home. I mean, I have papers in my classes each week, so not having a printer is a set back. I've got a few things I need to type this week... It shouldn't be too hard, though.

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