Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Good Deeds Day

Nice things that I've done lately:

  • Took my friend to work.
  • Picked up my sister from school everyday.
  • Did my chores.
  • Helped out a struggling friend.
  • Woke up and hour and a half early because my best friend needed me.
  • Helped my friend with an essay.
  • Started an art project for my best friend -- and just accepted another, from him as well.
  • Made my sister laugh.
  • Gave music to a friend.
  • Listened.
  • Made people smile.
  • Asked how people were.
  • Gave compliments.
  • Proof read my friend's essay.
  • Explained to another friend what a thesis was.
  • Drew a lot of my friends pictures.
  • Said thank you.
  • Said I appreciate you.

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