Thursday, October 22, 2009

I swear, life is becoming more and more of a roller coaster lately. In a good way, I guess. I finally got some things worked out and my stress level has considerably gone down. So, I suppose you can say things are looking up. I got a great grade of my Psychology test, I found out today, and my best friend that I haven't seen in a week came to see me this morning before school. Those things pretty much made my day. It's stuff like this that reminds me that things are going to be okay eventually.

I'm going to the Homecoming football game for my high school on Friday. I'm excited, but it's going to be really really cold. Also, there's going to be so many people there that I am going to be jumping around the stadium the entire time sitting with one group of friends to the next. Should be interesting. I hope they win, too

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