Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Rain & House

Today was a gloomy day. It was sprinkling when I was walking into school, it rained, and then it was sprinkling on my way to my car. Not too fun. It always stresses me out when it rains on Tues/Thurs because those are the days I bring my laptop to school. I take notes in psychology. The powerpoint slides go by quick, so I've found using my laptop to take notes a more efficient way to get the information. Maybe it was the rain, but I was sleepy today. Although, it could have had something to do with staying up late last night and getting up early today. Probably. And it looks like that will be the case tomorrow, too. Meh. That's life. Although, I could have slept in an hour and a half longer today, but there were some circumstances that lead to me getting up earlier. It's okay, it was worth it.

After school, I watched the new episode of House that I missed last night. It was great. It's getting back into the old House feel that it used to have before House started ODing and hallucinating. Fun times. I'm also happy that the old team from the first season is back together. Sure, the other teams that followed the original team grew on me, but I always felt that I liked the original, first House team. I knew that had to come back eventually. This episode was intense, too... I can't believe Chase did what he did. I can see that being a huge problem in future episodes. House is doing so much better, though. He's actually being kind. He was so messed up before. He's alright now, still with a hint of the arrogant, rude House that we all love.

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