Monday, October 12, 2009


Last night, after a long weekend of having little to no contact with any of my friends (I'm not sure why...), my best friend came over. It was awesome. I was sick all weekend and didn't even get to leave the house, so that was great that he came over. I am finally starting to feel a bit better, but still a bit under the weather. And goodness, it's cold today. It's all rainy and dreary, too. I hope the sun comes out. It didn't come out yesterday, either. It's quite depressing. I also quite surprised that the leaves on the trees haven't started to change color. It's nearly the middle of October, and they are still green. Hmm. I hope they do turn soon, it give the season such a nice feel. I'm seeing acorns everywhere, too. I step on them when I leave out of the front door. They are all still green, though, not brown. Hm.

"Things have changed for me." - That Green Gentleman by Panic At The Disco

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