Monday, August 31, 2009

Assignment: Pg. 41; "A Writing Exercise"

A Writing Exercise: Once you have read both stories, write brief responses to each.

Orientation response:
It took me a moment to understand how the story was being told; that made the story interesting. While reading it, I got a little overwhelmed with all of the information being presented to the new worker. I can only imagine how that worker felt, having all of this information being presented all at once. I'd break a sweat and have to swallow all my fear as I was walking around with the person training me. The story was written in a list form, which could be monotonous, but it was well written enough to want me to keep reading. All the people were described in great detail, which made the story more interesting. It sounds like that office is quite the place to work. When I got to the very end, after reading about all of the people and rooms and duties, I thought the photocopy room was really interesting. It was interesting how the building reflected, making a copy of whoever was looking at it, as it is when you photocopy something. I think that's a cool analogy. Overall, this story was a good read. Although, I cannot say I relate, but it was a good read all the same.

Girl response:
I don't think I would want to be told how to do every little single thing like this girl. Talk about controlling. There are so many rules to follow, like in the other story, Orientation. The poor girl in the story couldn't get but two sentences to try and defend herself. It seems that she is being judged while being given many directions. I would find that unfair. They are trying to tell her who to be also. Shouldn't that be the girl's freedom to decide? Once again, I think a long list of telling me what to do would be overwhelming and tedious. I would not write something as this. I'd stress myself out while writing it.

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