Sunday, August 30, 2009


Today I woke up extremely tired. Honestly, you'd think I'd learn not to stay up until two in the morning when I had to get up at eight o'clock the next morning. Yet, I still repeatedly do it. I can't say I remember why I was up so late. I was probably online or something, wasting brain cells. Anyway, yeah, I was really tired this morning as I was getting ready for church, which was awesome. And wow, the weather these past few days! Talk about perfect. There's a lovely breeze that makes it so pleasurable outside. That's so rare to say it was "pleasurable outside" in August in Texas. Texas weather is, well... Texas weather. Anybody that lives here knows what I'm talking about. Although, it's becoming Fall, which is my favorite season! The leaves turn red and orange and yellow. The winds blow more and more. There's pumpkins and turkeys and scarves. Such a wonderful season.

Hm. I've gone from feeling tired, to talking about the internet, to the weather, and finally to my favorite season. What a train of thought I have.

1 comment:

  1. Never know where the train will take you. Part of the fun of writing this way.
