Wednesday, August 26, 2009

First Day

It was half-past 8, and I was freaking out. My alarm that I thought I set the night before didn't go off. It was the first day of school! I couldn't be late! It was not an option. I scrambled out of bed, threw on my clothes, and ran out the front door with a notebook and a pencil. I had to make it to my nine o'clock class on time. I drove out the neighborhood, meeting traffic. That did not improve my mood. I sped up past the cars, made a left, another left, a right, and a left, and made it to the school parking lot, only to find there were no parking spots. None. I let out a long sigh, trying to control my emotions. Feebly, I turned into the farthest parking lot, finding one of the last spots in sight. I turned the key to kill the engine and sat there. I was torn between relief and irritation. Happy first day of school, welcome to Collin College.

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