Friday, August 28, 2009


It's funny when you look an object for school, like a graphing calculator, and think, "Nah, I don't think I'll need that today, I'll just leave it on my desk...", only to find out that you actually do need it in class that day. Then, when you're sitting in class you're thinking bitterly, "How hard would it have been to grab that calculator really quickly off my desk?" That's happened a lot. I guess it goes along with the saying, "Better safe than sorry," or, "Always be prepared." I'm staring at that graphing calculator now, and I swear it's mocking me. It's okay, lesson learned, right? I'll take the calculator next time. And honestly, how much more weight could it have been in my purple backpack anyways? It's conveniently travel size, that TI-84.

Silly me. I'm sorry, graphing calculator.

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