Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Hot Chocolate and Apple Cider

Well, as said, it's been study study study... That's about it. While studying, I had hot chocolate. It was delicious, all warm and rich. There was hazelnut it in, a little added milk, and small marshmallows. You know, I've never really known the reason for marshmallows in hot chocolate. Where did that originate? And why? I mean, they are yummy, yeah, but I don't know how they ended up in hot chocolate. I mean, you don't put marshmallows in coffee. Although... in other drinks you can get whipped cream. Maybe that's why. Mmmm, whipped cream in hot drinks is delicious. That reminds me, I haven't had apple cider in forever. Starbucks has really good apple cider. Maybe I will go get some. It's the holiday season, after all. Ah, having it be the holiday season again makes me so happy. Like, really happy. Still, I can't believe another year has passed. Crazy. Crazy! Crazy.

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