Thursday, November 5, 2009

The Weather, Again

Today I was driving to school and I saw that almost all the trees are finally changing colors. The leaves were falling pretty rapidly. It's pretty, though. I like driving down park because it's really cool how all the trees on that street sort of canopy the street. And now they're all changing color, so it's even more pretty than it was before.

I am thoroughly enjoying the current weather before it's gone. I wish it could be like this all the time. We're lucky, though, sometimes by this time of year it's already ridiculously cold and you find the need to wear heavy coats and scarves just to walk from your car into the building. I was more affected by the cold weather the last two years when I used to walk to school. There were many many cold mornings. I usually wore a hoodie, but eventually it got so cold that I would find that it was a lot better when I wore an actual coat.

But, today I didn't wear any coat. It's perfect out.

Hm. I talk about the weather a lot. Well, so what? It's a big deal around here.

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