Friday, October 30, 2009


Finally, another sunny day. I've been waiting for it! I checked the forecast for the rest of the week and next week and it all says sunshine. I hope it stays like that. You never know in Texas weather. Or in any weather, I guess. My friend in Ohio told me once that in Ohio they say, "If you don't like the weather, wait five minutes." That made me laugh. Sometimes, not always, that's the case here. I often wonder what it would be like if I lived in England. My mom used to live there and she told me 90% of the time it's cloudy and rainy and miserable, and if there's sunshine, it's brief. That sounds so dismal, but I guess if I had lived there all my life, I would be used to it and nothing else anyways. In this case of living in Texas, I'm used to ridiculous and extreme heat and humidity. But, that's why I like fall! The weather is perfect.

Tomorrow is Halloween. I don't know what I'm doing for it... Sad. But I still want to be a zombie.

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