Saturday, October 3, 2009


So last night I had the best time ever at Thrillvania. It's a thrill park with haunted houses. Here's a link so you can see what I'm talking about: CLICK

It was intense. There was a fun house, a maze in field, a trail in the woods, and a giant haunted house. Everything you could think of chased us around. Chainsaw guys, werewolves, scarecrows clowns, monsters, zombies, everything! They would jump out of places and follow you around and breath up your neck. There was this one part while we were walking through the trail in the woods and it got really quiet and while we were walking I looked to the left and realize I saw someone and all of the sudden that person revved a chainsaw, and we all bolted off as fast as we could! He started chasing us through the woods. I swear, I had a lot of adrenaline as I ran from that guy. Just as we thought we were safe for a second, we rested in front of the door of where we were supposed to go next we got startled by a scarecrow that was right next to the door. We didn't know he was real. We ran again, through the door. It was soon over after that, and we just laughed that it was over. That was not even near as bad as the main, giant haunted house. That place was full of fake blood, fake dead people, and everything else you could think of to be in a haunted house. I got startled quite a few times when monsters and clowns jumped out. What was insane was in the very last room where you get out of the house, a bloody chainsaw guy was literally a foot away from you, revving the chainsaw and blocking our exit. We all backed up against the wall and finally we just had to run past him really quickly. We all started laughing from relief when we got outside.

We did way more things, but that's just a few things that happened. Overall, nothing was really scary, it was just startling. It was a blast! I want to go again.

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