Friday, September 4, 2009


I had such a great day today! I saw one of my friends that is in town for the weekend. He goes to West Point up in New York. When we saw him he was wearing the camo Army uniform. It was so cool! I'm so proud of him. He had an air to him that seemed so grown up. It's starting to really dawn on me how everyone is growing up, going on to more mature things. Real life and all. I'm excited, but at the same time, terrified. It is great that my friend knows what he wants to do with life; that's why he's at West Point. I do not exactly know, but I know I will. I want to be really successful. Successful in what? Anything I want, whether that means getting through school or a career I take on. Just successful. I see success in my friend. He's a role model in a way.

One day our generation is gonna rule the population." - Waiting On The World To Change by John Mayer

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