Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Yesterday was Jay Leno's season premier and guess who was a guest? Yeah. Kanye West. In my opinion, he shouldn't have even deserved to be on the season premier of Jay Leno. His interview was awful, too. His answers were whishy-washy and he repeated himself a lot. When he spoke, he sounded so pathetic that I could no longer watch. Jay Leno asked him a question that stopped him in his tracks, causing the longest moment of silence I have ever heard on the show. The question Kanye was asked as, "What would your mother think of what you've done?", referring to what he did to Taylor. He seriously sat there for a whole 3 minutes in silence. I don't want to feel bad for the guy. What he did was ridiculous. Even Obama said he didn't like this guy. It was just released that Kanye is on a suicide watch. I am not sure if that is serious or just a rumor, could just be for attention. Or real. I don't know. It is just weird that something like that would be issues right after the happenings on Sunday night. Overall, this whole situation is just ridiculous. I know the world won't move on from it for a long time. Some people say this is like the "Chris beat Rhianna" thing, causing an uproar. Celebrities sometimes just have bad judgment at times. Well. Everyone does. I guess we all make mistakes.

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