Friday, December 4, 2009


Well, I can't believe another semester is over. It went by so fast. I enjoyed it, though. I don't think I have ever studied this much in my life than in this past semester. Well, I guess that's because last year most of my day consisted of Orchestra and Art. I miss both of those things. It's a shame that CCCC doesn't have an orchestra, and I just don't have time for an art class right now. Although, I am getting a new camera (a Canon Rebel XS) for Christmas, so I will be able to do a lot more photography. I don't do enough traditional art anymore, though. But maybe that's okay, maybe I'll just be a digital artist. Still, I think would be important to keep those skills.

Anyway, exams are coming up and it's going to be hardcore, but it will be AMAZING when it's all over.

Good day.

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